Conference Date : 07 & 08 Feburary 2025; Full Paper Submission: 15th October 2024  15th November 2024; Notification of Acceptance: 20th November 2024   04th January 2025; Final Paper Submission: 5th December 2024  08th January 2025; Mode of Conference : Hybrid Mode [Online & Offline]


Conference Record #62592



[ICCCIT 2025]

Call For Papers


 Author Guidlines


· Submitted papers must contain original and unpublished work that has not been submitted for other publication elsewhere.

· Submitted papers must follow the IEEE Conference format.

. Number of Pages limited to 6. Extra page charge is applicable.

· Submitted papers will undergo mandatory plagiarism screening as per IEEE guidelines.

· Upon paper acceptanceat least one author must register for the conference and present the paper. Every accepted paper has to be individually            registered.

· As per IEEE policy, an author of every published paper needs to sign a copyright agreement. The instructions for the copyright agreement will be shared with the author after acceptance of the paper.

· All accepted and presented papers will be submitted for inclusion into IEEE Xplore subject to meeting IEEE Xplore’s scope and quality requirements.



ICCCIT-2025 solicits original papers contributing to the foundations and applications of Contemporary Computing in the following broad tracks but not limited to the conference tracks:

Track 1:
Computational Technologies
· High Performance Computing

· Parallel Computing

· Distributed Computing

· Soft Computing Techniques

· Artificial Intelligence

· Machine Learning

· Signal and Image processing

·  Natural Language Processing

· Big Data Analytics

· Software Engineering

· Bioinformatics

· Nanotechnology

· Computer Vision

· Pattern Recognition

Track 2:
Communication Engineering and Application
· Internet of Things and Big data

· Internet architecture

· Internet of Things

· Network and Cyber Security

· Social Networks

· Smart grid applications

· Social computing

· Software-defined networking

· Vehicular networks

·   Tactile Internet

· Wearable Technology

· Microwave/MM-Wave/THz Circuits and Syste

· Smart Grid Communications

· E-Health

· Molecular, Biological, and Multi-Scale Communications

· Satellite and Space Communications

· Social Networks

· · Access network/system and power communication

Track 3:
Information Technologies
· Data & Web Mining

· Networking & Cloud Computing

· Sensor Networks

· Mobile and Wireless Networks

· Information Retrieval

· Digital Multimedia Systems

· Semantic Web

· QoS Analysis

· Web Services

· Reputation and Trust

· Recommender Systems


