
Entrepreneurship is vibrant assertion of the facts that individual can be developed, outlook can be changed and their ideas can be converted into action though on organized systematic program for entrepreneurs. It was also felt that systematic training can be given Entrepreneurship Development is one of the core competencies of technical human resource. Creating awareness regarding entrepreneurial traits, entrepreneurial support system, opportunity identification, project report preparation and understanding of legal and managerial aspects can be helpful in motivating technical stream students to start their own small scale business. Keeping in this view, Institute of Engineering and Science IPS Academy Indore in collaboration with The National Science & Technology Entrepreneurship Development Board (NSTEDB), Department of science & Technology (DST), Government of India took the initiative.

Under the banner of DST Institute has been organized workshop for students in association with IIT Kharagpur on 18th Oct.2012 also one faculty development program on “Entrepreneurship” had organized on 18th to 21st Oct 2012.

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